Christmas Shopping at the SOLID Exchange – December 1-24, 2014
The shop will be open 7 days a week, 11-3 for the month of December until Christmas eve.
Great new stock!!
Also open for the Christmas Saturday Markets.
SOLID director Lynda Turner will be going on her annual trip to Kenya from Feb 24-Mar.25/15.
If you are intersted please contact her at 250-931-1214 for further information.
SOLID will have a tree in the First Annual Celebration of Trees at the Salt Spring Golf Club.
Come and enjoy all the trees and vote for your favourite by putting a donation for the Food Bank under it.
SOLID will be selling at the annual Christmas Bazaar at All Saints by the Sea 10-2pm.
Come for Christmas Baking and Christmas gifts.
SOLID will be selling at the Fall Flea Market @ Fulford Hall, 10-2pm.
Come at 1pm to All Saints Anglican Church Upper Hall for fabulous desserts followed by bridge.
Wonderful door prizes, gifts for top scores, silent auction.
Tickets $20 from SOLID or phone 250-931-1214.
All proceeds for hygiene kits for Kenyan school girls.
In 2014 we distributed over 200 kits!
Wine & Appies at All Saints – Oct 24/14
WINE & APPIES’ – Oct. 24/14
From 4:30 to 6 Friday, Oct. 24 at All Saints Anglican Upper Hall.
$15 per ticket from SOLID or the Church Office.
Proceeds to uniforms for Kenyan school children. Great Silent Auction!
In Kenya, no uniform no schooling.
SOLID – Fancy Pants Party May 3, 2014
Get your groove on and dance the night away!
A 24-hour dance marathon to support SOLID, Salt Spring Organization for Life Improvement and Development. April 5th & 6th, Mahon Hall, 6pm to 6pm.
To enter the contest and win fabulous prizes raise pledges of $50 or more. Pledge sheets available at SOLID Exchange, Salt Spring Books or from any SOLID board member.
Don’t want to dance all night? Then we have a variety of ways you can join us and participate.
$40.00 ~ 24 hour pass, come and go as you please!
$15.00 ~ 1 – 3 hour pass, come for just a set or two.
$30.00 ~ family rate, 2 adults and children under 10.
*This is a family-friendly event. Read more
December 14, 2012 by mobius
Filed under Events, News, SOLID Newsletters
In May, 2012 Karen Hopping Siu of West Vancouver and Rita Burbulevicius from Salt Spring Island visited Kakamega in Western Kenya. They were there to carry out a number of projects chief amoung, which was the delivery of goats to HIV+ mothers. This is the second year that goats have been delivered from the good people of Salt Spring. A total of nearly 300 goats have been delivered over the two years. The goats are bought from the SOLID Exchange for $57 each.
Marie Mackay of North Vancouver, who lives in Kenya for 6 months of every year, organizes the process. A qualified Kenyan buys the goats at the local goat markets, introduces the nannies to the pure-bred billies who are part of the project, and then transports the pregnant nannies to various HIV+ mothers’ organizations, which exist throughout the country.
Marie reports:”2012 was another good year for goat giving. In Shianda district, where several groups have been given goats, the groups have decided to form a cooperative to help members in developing a market for goat’s milk, meat, and dung. The money goes back to the owners. Any profits are used for micro-loans to members to expand their economic base.
“One positive outcome that may be attributed to the program is that the number of people in the area going for HIV testing has increased 300% and the incidence of stigmatization has decreased because of it”
Karen and Rita were overwhelmed by the joy shown by the Mothers when they received their goats at the goat giving ceremonies. As Karen says, ”the women gathered and danced and sang their hearts out” in appreciation of this gift from Salt Spring, from people who didn’t know them and who lived halfway around the world