Phelisanong’s History and Accomplishments
The Phelisanong Disabled HIV-AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children Community Project is a residential Center for disabled adults and children whose key tenets are community involvement, education, and HIV/AIDS prevention and outreach
In 2001, Mamello Mokholokoe founded the Phelisanong Disabled Group at Ha Makhata to care for and educate orphaned, disabled, and vulnerable children. In the past seven years, Mamello and the Project Committee, consisting of ten special needs adults, have successfully developed and nurtured numerous on-site and outreach programs, in-country and international funding sources, and a cadre of community and international volunteers, including a Peace Corps volunteer, to support the activities at Phelisanong. To date, over 150 volunteers have worked at Ha Makhata to help care for these children, many of whom have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS, or have been abandoned due to their disabilities. Many of these volunteers are grandmothers caring for orphaned children or unemployed community members who work in the residential houses, the kitchen, or in the fields for a nominal monthly stipend or for a daily meal
The Clinicians of Phelisanong Clinic: Sandy, Kambule, and Ntsoakeleng
The Phelisanong Disabled HIV/AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children Community Project provides a resource center for disabled adults, a home for 67 disabled and special needs children and their caregivers, a primary school, several HIV/AIDS support groups, a farm, a pre-school, a handicraft cooperative and an outreach program that serves 19 villages in the area.
Seeing Patients in the Clinic
SOLID is currently focusing on renovating and providing medications for the much needed Health Care Centre. The most critical need is funding for the ongoing medication needs and operating expenses for this community. The clinic continues to get busier, serving not only the needs of the residents and volunteers of Phelisanong, but also providing nursing care to the isolated communities surrounding Ha Makhata.
Medication Cupboard at Phelisanong
Clinic Rondavel